Wednesday, October 28, 2009


After reading an article about the "separation of church and state" in a public high school I feel the need to express my opinions. I believe that any individual should have the right to express themselves through any measure whether it be religious or something else. I can understand the need to obey laws, but not being able to paint signs with Bible verses at football games is too over the top. I admire the cheerleaders at Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High for having the courage and convictions to try to include religious aspects at school events. Apparently the crowds that came to the games liked their efforts since they joined in by wearing shirts and making their own Bible verse signs. I grew up saying the pledge of allegiance which includes God's name and praying at school functions. Someone that feels the need to make such a big deal about including God in school functions seems really ridiculous.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Response to, "Who is a Journalist?"

After reading an article discussing the criteria you have to fulfill to be a journalist I will now discuss my feelings. The author of the article suggested that the role of a journalist has considerably changed. It started as someone who just kept a journal to anyone that reported an issue, whether on the t.v., radio or newspaper. I tend to agree that journalism does encompass all of those forms, and that as our world has become more media based an emphasis on t.v., blogging, or radio journalism is acceptable. The author also urged people to consider whether these media forms were just journalism or entertainment. Can journalism not be both? I don't think that there is a definite answer to that question within limits, but I believe that it can be. Local radio personality Chris Krok was included in this article. After hearing Chris Krok on the radio with my dad on the way to school many mornings, while I admit to not understanding all of the issues they are discussing, I find him quite entertaining. But, since he is known to verbally blast people on the radio, my opinion of Krok is that after a while you just want to turn him off. He gets obnoxious. While he has every right to express his opinions on the radio, I find that usually the way he presents his opinions are rude and harsh. That's kinda something for everyone to consider whether they are a part of journalism or just dealing with people. You can usually say pretty much anything if you just present it appropriately.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today is SAGA day!!!!! YAY

Today is SAGA day at our school, which I am extremely excited about!! Why am I so excited? I am excited because there is a feeling around the school that you don't get pretty much any other day. A school day is usually really lame and boring, but on SAGA days there is a little more liveliness. Students are reading the paper all around the campus all the time. The SAGA is our student produced news paper, which I am proud to be a member of the staff. Not to sound prideful or anything, but students really look forward to the days that we distribute our paper and they frequently ask when the next issue is coming out. The only the thing that really bothers me about SAGA day at school, is when you see the paper crumpled up or ripped up all over the floor. Not only is this environmentally wasteful and careless, but the staff has worked really hard to come out with articles, so to see the work just destroyed it is like ........ devastating. (Maybe that's a little dramatic but its pretty true)One other reason SAGA days are a little unfortunate is because I have to get to school at 7:45 a.m. That is really early for me because I usually get here around 8:11 for the 8:15 bell. I know. It sounds like I'm a slacker, but I am not a morning person at all, so since I have been close to on time the past two distributions I think that is quite an accomplishment. Enough about this. To sum it up SAGA day is awesome!!!!! I can't wait for the next one