After reading an article discussing the criteria you have to
fulfill to be a journalist I will now discuss my feelings. The author of the article suggested that the role of a journalist has
considerably changed. It started as someone who just kept a journal to anyone that reported an issue, whether on the t.v., radio or newspaper. I tend to agree that journalism does encompass all of those forms, and that as our world has become more media based an emphasis on t.v., blogging, or radio journalism is acceptable. The author also urged people to consider whether these media forms were just journalism or entertainment. Can journalism not be both? I don't think that there is a definite answer to that question within limits, but I believe that it can be. Local radio personality Chris
Krok was included in this article. After hearing Chris
Krok on the radio with my dad on the way to school many mornings, while I admit to not understanding all of the issues they are discussing, I find him quite
entertaining. But, since he is known to verbally blast people on the radio, my opinion of
Krok is that after a while you just want to turn him off. He gets obnoxious. While he has every right to express his opinions on the radio, I find that usually the way he presents his opinions are rude and harsh.
That's kinda something for everyone to consider whether they are a part of journalism or just dealing with people. You can usually say pretty much anything if you just present it appropriately.
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